Sunday, April 1, 2012

And The Letter of the Day is A- A For Aggression

Aggression is a lost art. Aggression can be a very bad thing. For example, being aggressive towards your boss will get you fired. Being aggressive towards a child is wrong. However, there are times when being aggressive is very, very beneficial. To use writing as an example, there are times when you're feeling writer's block, when you're feeling lazy, when you just don't want to write anything. If you can summon your aggression to overcome that block, that is a very good thing. Personally, to get aggressive, I don't have to go to my 'angry place'. Not usually. All I have to do is tell myself to shut up for once, and then just set myself to the task I need to do. The aggression will come naturally. That could be because I'm a guy, I like challenges, and lift heavy things on a regular basis, though... One thing that will help if I just cannot get aggressive is music. It can't be calm music like the Decemberists or FM Static or Yo-Yo Ma. It has to be loud and stirring: Hans Zimmer, Theocracy, For Today, or any action movie score are great examples. That being said, aggression must be controlled. Using it against people is never a good thing. Using it to overcome tasks is.

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